2021 BED, (Faculty of Education) University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB
2017 MFA, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec
2010 BFA (Interdisciplinary), NSCAD University, Halifax, NS
1999 Digital Animation Diploma, NSCC, Truro, NS
2021 Canada Council Grant (Explore and Create)
2021 Tom Acheson Prize in Art Education (UNB)
2020/21 Tanya V. M. Barret Memorial Scholarship (UNB)
2020/21 Verna MacDonald Scholarship (UNB)
2019 White Rabbit Arts Residency, Upper Economy Nova Scotia, (Aug 9th- 17th)
2018 Nancy Petry Award
2016 Tom Hopkins Graduate Award in Painting
2014 Faculty of Fine Arts Fellowship, Concordia University
2013 Nova Scotia Creation Grant
2013 15th RBC Painting Competition: Finalist
2011 13th RBC Painting Competition: Finalist.
2010 BMO 1st Art! Competition winner for Nova Scotia
2022 FOFA (Concordia), Regretté de Tous, (Sept 12th - Oct 21st, Montreal, Quebec
2019 Art Mur (Berlin), Island of the Dead, (April 25th – June 15th), Berlin, Germany
2018 Art Mur, Anything, Anytime, Anyplace, For No Reason at All (Jan13th to Feb 24th), Montreal, QC, Canada
2017 Warren G Flowers Art Gallery, Anything, Anytime, Anyplace, For No Reason at All (MFA thesis show), Montreal, QC, Canada
2015 PDA Projects Gallery, Science Factions, Ottawa ON, Canada
2021 Art Mur, Terra Nova: Regard sur le présent et le futur, Montreal QC, Canada
2019 Art Mur, Landscapes in Peril, duo show with Holly King, Montreal QC, Canada
2018 Musée des beaux-arts de Montreal, Vendu-Sold (benefit auction for Les Éditions Esse)
Art Mur, Grâce au Dessin, Curated by Jason McKechnie, Montreal QC, Canada
Art Toronto: Art Mur Booth, Toronto ON, Canada
2017 FOFA Gallery, Faculty of Fine Arts Annual Graduating Students Exhibition, Montreal QC, Canada
2016 PDA Projects, Opening Night - Chapter 2 New Location,Ottawa, ON, Canada
Art Mur, Peinture Fraîche, Montreal QC, Quebec
L’École Des Beaux-Arts, Maureen (MFA Concordia group show), Montreal QC, Quebec
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Capture 2014: Nova Scotian Realism, Yarmouth NS, Canada
2015 Acadia University Art Gallery, Capture 2014: Nova Scotian Realism, Wolfville NS, Canada
Art Hamptons, Studio 21 Fine Art booth, Bridgehampton NY, US
2014 Dalhousie Art Gallery, Capture 2014: Nova Scotian Realism, Halifax NS, Canada
StFX Art Gallery, Capture 2014: Nova Scotian Realism, Antigonish NS, Canada
University of Cape Breton Art Gallery, Capture 2014: Nova Scotian Realism, Sydney, NS
Studio 21, Small is Beautiful, Halifax NS, Canada
Art Toronto, Studio 21 booth, Toronto ON, Canada
2013 National Gallery of Canada, 15th RBC Canadian Painting Competition, Ottawa ON, Canada
NSCAD Port Loggia Gallery, Roar, Halifax, Canada
Halifax Independent Filmmakers Festival, Experimental Showcase, Halifax NS, Canada
2011 Art Gallery of Alberta, RBC Painting Competition, Edmonton AB, Canada
Art Gallery of Hamilton, RBC Painting Competition, Hamilton ON, Canada
The Power Plant, RBC Painting Competition, Toronto ON, Canada
Radiophonic Creation Day, Simultaneous global radio broadcast.
2010 Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, BMO 1st Art! Exhibition, Toronto ON, Canada
Port Loggia, NSCAD Graduation Exhibition, Halifax NS, Canada
SEEDS Gallery, The Dandelion Show, Halifax NS, Canada
2009 NSCAD Port Loggia Gallery, Audio Explorations, Halifax NS, Canada
NSCAD Port Loggia Gallery, Audio Dome, Halifax NS, Canada
2022 Instructor, PNTG 1500/2000 Introductory Painting, NSCAD University, Halifax, NS
2021 Teaching Practicum (UNB), Nackawic Senior High School (8 weeks, March - May), NB
2020 Teaching Practicum (UNB), Nackawic Senior High School (8 weeks, October – December), NB
Artist Presentation, Fina 2101 Drawing 1, Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB
2019 Gallery Attendant, Art Mur Berlin (Feb – June 15th), Berlin, Germany
2018 Instructor, PNTG 2000-1 Introductory Painting, NSCAD University, Halifax, NS
2017 Tutorial Instructor, FFAR 250 Keywords:Reading the Arts Across the Disciplines, Concordia University, Montreal, QC
Portfolio Reviewer, Summer Portfolio Workshop, Concordia University, Montreal, QC
2016 Instructor, PNTNG 200, Concordia University, Montreal, QC
Tutorial Instructor, FFAR 250 Keywords:Reading the Arts Across the Disciplines, Concordia University, Montreal, QC
Teaching Assistant, PNTNG 200 (Susan Scott), Concordia University, Montreal, QC
2015 Teaching Assistant, PNTNG 400 (David Elliot), Concordia University, Montreal,QC
2014 Teaching Assistant, Drawing 400-450 (Holy King), Concordia University, Montreal,QC
Instructor, Life Drawing 2110, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Instructor, Life Drawing 300, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Instructor, Life Drawing LDW, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Instructor, Vector Animation Production 2110, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Instructor, Fashion Illustration, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
2013 Instructor, Foundation of Art and Design, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Instructor, Life Drawing 2110, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Instructor, Life Drawing 300, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Instructor, Life Drawing LDW, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Instructor, Vector Animation Production 2110, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Lab Instructor, Introduction to Classical Animation 3211, CAT, Halifax, NS
2012 Instructor, Life Drawing 100, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Instructor, Life Drawing 300, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Instructor, Foundation of Art and Design, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Instructor, Vector Graphics Animation, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Instructor, Fashion Illustration, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Lab Instructor, Introduction to Classical Animation, CAT, Halifax, NS
Instructor, HRM Kids Sketch & Draw, LeBrun Centre, Bedford, NS
2011 Dartmouth Experimental Music Group Performance, Dalhousie Art Gallery, Halifax NS
Instructor, Foundation of Art and Design, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Instructor, Vector Graphics Animation, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Instructor, Fashion Illustration, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Lab Instructor, Introduction to Classical Animation, CAT, Halifax, NS
Instructor, HRM Kids Sketch & Draw, LeBrun Centre, Bedford, NS
2010 DEMG (Nocturne Performance) Alderney Landing Theatre, Dartmouth, NS
Instructor, Foundation of Art and Design, Centre for Arts and Technology, Halifax, NS
Instructor, HRM Kids Sketch & Draw, LeBrun Centre, Bedford, NS
Instructor, HRM Adult Sketch & Draw, LeBrun Centre, Bedford, NS
2000- 2007 Animator and Animation Supervisor at Collideascope Animation Studios, Halifax NS
2000 Animator and concept artist at Virtual Media Production studios, Sydney NS
1999 Filmmaker, AFCOOP's 25th anniversary trailer
Filmmaker, Save My Burning Baby, 1999 Atlantic Film Festival
1998 Technical Coordinator's assistant (work term), Atlantic Filmmaker's Cooperative, Halifax, NS
2020 Watch Your Head, Jan 31st 2020, Jennifer Dorner, An anthology of creative works
devoted to the climate crisis,
2018 Vertiges, Francine Paul, Revue Le Sabbord, no 112.
Adam Gunn at Art Mur, Tammer El-Sheikh, Akimbo - Akimblog
Art Mur invitation catalogue, vol13, numero3, texte de Suzanne Viot p.8, Messages in a Bottle, text by
Cameron Skene p.10
2016 Peinture Fraiche et Nouvelle Construction invitation catalogue, Art Mur
2016 Open Doors 2016: Concordia Studio Arts MFA Program, Department of Studio Arts
2015 Open Doors 2015: Concordia Studio Arts MFA Program, Department of Studio Arts
2014 Capture 2014: Nova Scotian Realism catalogue, Dalhousie Art Gallery
2014 Art Toronto Catalogue
Realism Up For Grabs, Elissa Barnard, Chronicle Herald
Studio Visit Adam Gunn Painter, Interview by Rachel MacFarlane, Studio Beat
2013 2013 RBC Canadian Painting Competition Catalogue, RBC
2011 Gunning for First, Stephanie Johns, Art Attack, The Coast, Jul 21
2011 RBC Canadian Painting Competition Catalogue, RBC
2010 NSCAD Grad Turns Playthings into Paintings, Heather Gillis, Unews, Dec 3
BMO 1st Art! Competition Catalogue, Bank of Montreal
A Darker Toy Story Wins Artist Award, Jon Tattrie, Metro News, Halifax, Tuesday September 7
Graduation Catalogue, NSCAD University